All about World temperature

All about World temperature

Temperature è a measure concerning the common cold or hot concepts. Generally speaking, a pi ù heat of another object can be considered that unpi ò ù high-temperature and cold è è considered to have insufficient temperature pi ù. In physics, è defined as relative magnitude scale allenergia interior of a thermodynamic system, defined by the principle of zero termodinamica. More specifically, it relates directly à part of the inner energy known as energy sens í, that é the energy associated with the movements of part í effects system, in a sense, translational, or ó River rotat in the form of vibrate ç õ es. Because the energy sens í vel é greater system, notes that est á hotter; me.
This increased temperature é. In the case of a s ó lido, the movements in question s ã o ç õ es of the vibrating part í plates on their sites within s ó read. In the case of a monoatomic ideal g á s é translational motion of plates (part í multiat. That said, you ê can adjust the temperature as quantifies the activity ç ã molecular mat é ria. The development of t é techniques for the measurement of the temperature went through a long process hist ó rico, é necessary á give a value on a river é rico ID. é ia intuitive as cold or é it ê it run temp. The multid ã the í physical properties f-qu í micas of materials or subst â experiences vary depending on the temperature at which is, as for example your status (s ó lido, l í liquid, g á s, plasma), its volume, solubility, press ã the steam, colour or conductivity el aura é. É also one of the factors that influence the speed at which the reac ç õ es qu í micas occur.
Temperature measurement with é term ô feet, which can be calibrated agree a multid ã the scales that cause temperature measurement units. In the international system of units, the unit of temperature é the kelvin (K), and the corresponding scale é scale kelvin or absolute large-scale that binds the value zero kelvin (0 K) to absolute zero, and graduated with a size equal to the degree Celsius degree. However, outside the sphere of scientific í is using other common scales of temperature é. The most widespread é scale to the Celsius scale (formerly cent í grada); and, very little extension ã, and practically only in the United States, the Fahrenheit scale. The Rankine (. A temperature monoatomic ideal g á s é a measure à m é day of its energy policy of mol é cin é plates to move. This animates ç ã, á size h tomes é lio on her ã far ç separating á under press ã the 1950 atmospheres. These tomes at room temperature á t m ê m é day some speed (reduced here twice trillion). É important to note that cold wind é something different temperature as defined in thermodynamics. The cold wind é the result of the manner in which the skin realized the temperature of objects and\/or its environment, which faithfully reflects the ã the actual temperature of these articles and\/or environment. The cold wind é a complex measure of bit v á rias raz õ es: the human body measuring the temperature when your pr ó pria temperature stays constant at approximately (around 37 . Often, no consequences ü ã the reaches the balance é rmico í brio t with the environment or the objects in that touch. The varia ç õ es in heat that occur in the human body generates a different ç in cold, diverting from the real value of temperature. In consequences ü ê, h á a ç õ es sensa temperature too high or low-. The quantitative value of cold wind é given ã the ent mainly for the tilted ç ã the temperature between the object and the part of the body that est á in direct and\/or indirect object (é based on initial temperature) (contact area, á, density, thermodynamic coefficients ê transfer ç ã power by leads, integrating ç ã and conveccci. However, there are other simple techniques much more ù that try to simulate the measurement of the thermal sensation in various circumstances by means of a thermometer: Named a temperature environment and dry air velocity (or simply ù: temperature, dry) at air velocity, regardless of the heat radiation of the objects that surround this particular environment and the effects of ventilation and humidity relative à. You can get with the Mercury thermometer, concerning which the bulb è.

World temperatures, Europe temperatures, Meteo 7 France,,