Everything about Clothing serves to protect | |
Everything about Clothing serves to protectDress (also called dress, dress or vestu á) é the game generally of mat ê xteis é rias t manufactured with v á rivers materials and used for the dress, protecting the climate and à sometimes the mod é adverse stia (underwear). In its widest sense, also includes the gloves to cover the m ã, shoes (shoes, slippers and boots) to cover the p é and chap é us, tamp õ es and chap é us to cover up the ç. Objects like bags and umbrellas s ã ó rivers considered accessories rather than clothing.The word derives from clothing etimol ò logic raupjan old term germ â nico (theft, pillaging) that would later our verb steals and also assimilates ç ã the clothes, because à clothing was the coveted object of plunder. They were wearing, consequences ü often those objects that s ã capable of stealing, often being reduced to vestu min subsequent ü á personal clothing rivers. In Italian, é also currently the word steals with a much wider than our clothes from Spanish meaning, and that includes also other objects, goods usually fung í and m ó levels. Dress suits to protect particularly adverse weather: cold: clothes facilitates circulates ç ã the air around the skin and prevents consequences ü often the contact with the skin cooler air and sa í of air heated by pr é-skin. On the one hand, the fabric fibres capture the air and reparaas him; This air captured é a t é, polyglandular poor conductivity (this fact é explored also in double glass Windows). Ard ê Sun power: the tissues desobstru í of the radial velocity ç ã the ultraviolet and burn skin, and à consequences ü often protected from heat. Precipitates ç ã: rain, snow) etc.: some tissues, called rain, preventing the gua á contact with the skin. The á water é a heat absorbent very good, and the á cold water from rain or snow cause significant cooling of the person. É also used in raz ã of mod é stia. In many cultures, é frowned upon to show the body and especially the genitalia. Dress up serves to hide the genitals and the rea ç preliminary and instinctive õ es such as ere ç ã of p é nis. In the work environment (construc ç ã, f á ó factories, laboratories, rivers. à s times) needs the special clothing to protect in extreme circunst â conferences, the carrier and the environment. See protective clothing. The income of b á é River rbaros in imp turned Roman dress. The warlords wore battered when passed the pomoerium. To guide the troops-mostly, germ â nico-wore underpants, in the way of people. There was a ã of ç adapts vestu á rivers of one and another side, so that the b á rbaros used the shorter than the Roman t ú nica to encourage movements. With the writings of Paul cono di á, the clothes of the Lombards was loose, usually of linen, as they used to bring the Anglo-Saxons, decorated with extensive borders of different color screen. The shoes were open almost à fingertip increased, sustained by strapping ç adas entrela. Lady of Flanders, s é 15TH century. Generally, most known clothing used by pr í ncipes. T ã the e.g., apar ê of Charlemagne, his bi Einhard told a ó graph that wears the national dress of franchises. In the body, in a shirt and a cloth of linen underwear. Above, a t ú nica embroidered in silk ç the cal and short tracks around p é s and p é s, and a dress or Otter Skin, protecting the mice to tr á s and the. Only in the days of big festivals were the stones used to decorate, as for example in access ó rivers as a sword. B á rbaros Kings were called the pelliti reges (Kings with skin) that they used them for us á. Perhaps, initially for a edi ç ã of the climate and a luxury and a decorating ç ã the ã the í ent comprised of. Shortly after come ç am using leather dresses. Di Pablo. Festido f ê mea regular consisted, also é m in a long robe to p é s, stola, was placed on it and get used the palla, great sobreveste with edge that could cover up the ç. Franco noble. The coats of Los were made with per ó domains of precious metals that were embedded stones. Under the outerwear, women wore a dress of flax and fascia, a type of bandage to hold the. In the 14TH century é, f ê mea dress was a large box to show the largest part of his body and very narrow at waist. The gloves were used and á rivers form large queue hammered by Earth different. Shoes, decorated à s times with ermine were mostly cutting tip and even sand á lias used only for p õ r on the soles of p é. The necklaces, brooches and an é is became more strange, curious and completely. Due to obstentaci. In 1365, the Bologna compiled. Clothing size, Laser eye, Games, Slownik niemiecko polski, CZ Travel |