Learn about New ring | |
Learn about New ringThe ring or the ring s ã the one ring with more or less decorates ç ã used as ornament of the fingers of the ã m.The complete ring é composed of tr ê s ç õ es: chaton of ringthe or pe ç more or less the gem or gemstone flatthe (placed in chaton) that é often by glass or enamel of a lower category that tried to mimichollow, or an engraving that serve as a unique stamp to authenticate. The gem é decorated with reliefs and when entalles or no ã exist, the League ç õ es of chaton, usually letters or figures written. The origin of the ring é recognized by the shape of the figures that bear chaton or gema. The ring is used as the ornament of m ã in all kinds of people j á imp é rio eg í old pcio as revealed the results made in their graves. It seems that est ê ve known by Chaldeans and Assyrians but for Persians, Phoenicians, Greeks, Etruscans, Romans and other Western cities, and at é where are found though in a very simple way in graves pr é-hist ó rich in the first age of metals. The material used in an é is was generally gold, silver, bronze, and iron, ivory, an é is glass and â mbar has missed. À sometimes, those made with materials less noble s ã covered by a layer of gold. But no ã the should not be forgotten that in the Age M é day was very common to decorate an é is and other articles of j. ó ia with gemstones that belonged to the ç ã à civiliza Greek or Roman and such objects the way to the ring and ornamentation that can carry is important data for discovering its origin. The é is made by crist's é ã of glasses early and that numerous examples were found in the catacombs, s ã the known originated by s í signup ç symbols and by the Crist ã ã which boast. Later, the Church adopted them for use of prelates. Were no always an ã the é is the ornament of m ã, but often only served to seal and took à s times the advantage to suspend ê them in necklaces or currency or as a symbolic object of distin ç ó Lycus ã and as supersti ç ã the. Or all villages was uniform and free custom of decorating people with an é is because when the tribes ind í genos the lead above toes p é, other peoples they were solely in the right hand or handsalready in all fingers on finger m é dio or ring only. Among the Romans was noble or distinct proprietary á River é is class an gold at é Septimius Severus, at the end of the second s é culo gave him the ex é army and later, Alexander Severus extended every Roman citizen ã the. In principle the rep í pio ú, the senators wore a ring of iron and gold ambassadors. In Venice, believing the Doge is proprietary á rivers and spouses of sea, renewing every year their betrothal which plays in the Adri á tico ascens day ã a gold ring. The delivery of a ring between the á Arab é equivalent to a promise from the uni ã. The Romans wore the ring on his left, m ã the Hebrew in Greek on the left, right, the finger that today no ó s call ring and the Gauls and the Brit â nicos é dio finger m. The Carthaginian soldiers wore a ring for each campaign. It was a sign of escravid ã and was applied as a puni ç ã the. Cheap diamond rings, tooth-implant-cost.net, Brezplačne igre, Słownik niemiecko polski, Meteo |