Things you should know - Brown type sugar

Things you should know - Brown type sugar

The Brown, black sugar, unrefined or blond is a sugar in sucrose has a distinctive brown color due to the presence of molasses. A sugar is unrefined or partially refined composed of crystals of sugar with é é n or other residual molasses content or produced by the addition of molasses to refined white sugar. Brown Sugar contains 3. 5% (clear brown sugar) to 6. 5% molasses (dark brown sugar). The product is naturally wet due to the hygroscopic nature of molasses, and can be processed to handelbaardere alternatives in industri ë le processes to obtain. The addition of dyes and other chemical products may in some jurisdictions or industri ë le processes be admitted. The size of the particles is variable but generally less than granulated white sugar. The variants for industrial use (such as the pastry) on the extra-fine sugar be based, which crystals of approximately 0. 35 mm. Brown sugar has slightly lower in weight in calorie ë n than white sugar due to the presence of water.
One hundred grams brown sugar contains 373 calories ë n, opposite 396 of white sugar.
However, the packed brown sugar closer than white sugar due to the smaller size of its crystals, so it may have more calorie ë n If they are measured by volume: one spoon of brown sugar has 48 calorie ë n, with white sugarAt 45 the end of the year 1800, the newly consolidated refined white sugar industry, which have full control over the production of brown sugar, had launched a campaign of discrediting this product against reproductive microscopic pictures of microbes harmless but repulsive aspect alive in this product. The initiative was so successful that by 1900, the best-selling book of recipes sure warned that the brown sugar of inferior quality and prone to infection by a tiny bug was. The natural brown sugar or the sugar are a simple natural brown sugar in the first crystallisation of the sugar cane is produced.
It contains more molasses than brown sugar, which gives a higher mineral content. Some natural Brown sugars have name and distinctive properties, and under names such as dessert, turbinado and demerara sold. Turbinado sugar is and the demerara obtained by crystallization of the juice of raw sugar, which is centrifuged to the water and to remove some impurities. The dessert is a dark brown unrefined sugar, which without centrifuge prevents and much lower than the turbinadokristallen has.
The extract of the sugar cane is heated to thicken and evaporated in the Sun, which for a moist unprocessed sugar crashes, that it retains all natural minerals.
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